Spa day!
Our Groomers:
Jessica Duval, Chelsey Palmer & Carrie Sprouse
Our groomers are dedicated to delivering individualized, compassionate, and professional care to your beloved pet. Here, dogs receive their very own “spa day out,” with high quality professional products and a variety of services to fit your dog’s needs. Please ask about our VIP Program!
Groomings are by appointment only.
We will call when your pet is ready.
Long hair dogs should be groomed every 4-6 weeks.
Short hair dogs are often groomed every 8-12 weeks
Severe matting will likely require a full shavedown for the health and well-being of the pet
An additional charges will be applied for a matted dog
Cancellation Fee: Less than 24hrs notice and/or no show grooming appointments will be charged a $50 per pet fee.
Things to Know
A puppy’s “trim” visit includes: Bath with gentle puppy-safe shampoo, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, face trimmed*, feet trimmed*, & sanitary trim. (* if applicable).
Groomers recommend puppies come in as early as 12 weeks old (or after all puppy shots are completed) and as often as every 3 weeks so they can learn what it’s like to be groomed and learn good “table manners.” They will be treated with lots of love and positivity so they learn that grooming is fun and rewarding!
If a puppy under 6 months of age requests or requires a Full Body Haircut, then they will be charged the adult full groom price based on breed and current weight.
Add-ons & VIP
Get $5 off each visit when you schedule your pet every two weeks for either a bath, mini groom, or full groom.
The benefits of the VIP program include less shedding, fewer mats and tangles, and a happier healthier pet!
Available for Dogs of all Breeds!
For more information, pick up a brochure in the lobby or talk to one of our groomers
Complete bath with basic shampoo
Anal glands expressed*
Towel & blow dry
Coat brushed and combed
Ears cleaned
Nails trimmed
Bandana or Bows

Mini Groom
Includes everything specified in “Bath”
Plus, trimming of face, feet, and sanitary area
Full Groom
Includes everything specified in “Bath”
Plus, full body haircut & style

Veterinary Services
Boarding & Grooming Hrs:
Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM