RABIES: Rabies is a disease nearly everyone has heard of. It is contracted when an animal is bitten by another animal that has been infected. The disease is carried in the saliva. Rabies vaccinations are required in many states for cats. Even if you have an indoor dog, they should be vaccinated in case they get out, or by chance a wild animal were to get into your house. In nearly all cases, a pet will need to be put down if it has been infected with rabies.
DHPP: This is a combination vaccine that includes protection from Distemper, Parvovirus, Adenovirus type 2, and Parainfluenza.
DISTEMPER: This is a viral disease that is easily spread through direct contact and contact with bodily fluids or contaminated food and water. Puppies are the most susceptible to the disease and also have the highest mortality rate from severe cases or complications from the disease. Vaccinations have proven to be effective, so it is important to have all dogs vaccinated because this life threatening disease can result in long-term health problems.
PARVOVIRUS: This disease is more commonly referred to as “parvo” and is one of the leading causes of viral infections in young dogs. It is highly contagious and transmitted by direct or indirect contact with contaminated feces. There are cardiac and intestinal forms of the disease, both of which are fatal in most cases when left untreated.
ADENOVIRUS (type 2): This virus leads to the infection commonly known as “kennel cough” in dogs. It is very contagious, and is characterized by a hacking cough and a foamy white discharge. This vaccine is reccomended for most dogs.
PARAINFLUENZA: This virus that can also cause kennel cough symptoms and even serious conditions including pneumonia and seizures. It is included within the nasal Bordetella and injectable Distemper/Parvo combination vaccine to offer more complete protection.
BORDETELLA: Bordetella Bronchiseptica is one of the numerous bacteria and viruses that can cause kennel cough syndrome (canine infectious respiratory disease complex). This is an intranasal vaccines that is typically given every 6 months to help prevent infection.
LEPTOSPIROSIS: This disease brings on symptoms of fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, and depression, and could lead to chronic kidney and liver disease or failure. It is transmitted by water contaminated by urine from wildlife including skunks, raccoons and squirrels. In South Carolina, leptospirosis is endemic in our area. We require this vaccine for dogs that will be boarding or attending doggie day camp.
CANINE INFLUENZA: This disease has similar symptoms to the human influenza virus (fever, lethargy, fatigue, coughing, and pneumonia). However, the canine flu is not seasonal and yearly vaccinations are recommended for any dog which is boarded, groomed or frequents dog parks and/or pet stores.
LYME DISEASE: Lyme disease is transmitted from ticks. These small insects are found in wooded areas and areas with tall, overgrown grass or brush. If you live in or travel to areas where these environments exist, it is smart to take proper precautions to prevent Lyme disease
Cat specific vaccinations:
FVRCCP: This is a combination vaccine that includes protection for Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, and Calicivius.
PANLEUKOPENIA: The more common name for this virus is “distemper”. It is a highly contagious disease with symptoms including fever, seizures, loss of appetite, and possibly death.
RHINOTRACHEITIS: Caused by the herpes virus, Rhinotracheitis is an upper respiratory infection that is highly contagious. The infection could prove to be fatal in young kittens, so the vaccination is highly recommended.
CALICIVIRUS: This is a virus that causes an upper respiratory infection. It is very contagious through contact with infected cats. Symptoms include fever, gum disease, mouth ulcers, sneezing, etc. More advanced forms of the virus are more severe and can cause fatality. Cats do not need to exhibit symptoms in order to transmit the disease to other cats.
FELINE LEUKEMIA VIRUS: This virus is spread through direct contact with an infected cat. For this reason, the FELV vaccine is highly recommended for outdoor cats, or cats that are frequently in contact with other cats. All kittens should be vaccinated to prevent against this potentially fatal virus.
Veterinary Services
Boarding & Grooming Hrs:
Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM